Pride Month Marketing: To-dos and Taboos

Yes, June is Pride Month. A celebration for how far we have come (with the knowledge that we still have a long way to go), and a chance to support our queer colleagues, friends, and family. It is a month to let people know their lives are valid and valued.

It’s also Juneteenth — a day we should hold in contemplation and remembrance of the lives of those people that lost their lives, homes, and businesses to racial hatred.

But what we’re focusing on today is marketing to the queer community — the dos and taboos (especially for Pride Month).

  1. Inclusivity is all year round

    DON’T only focus on queer culture and inclusion during pride month (aka June). People are living their lives out and proud 365 days a year. While Pride is meant to commemorate their truths, it is only one month out of 12.

    DO show inclusivity all year long by including diverse models in your marketing — and not just the LGBTQIA+ community.

  2. People Matter

    DON’T put profits over people.

    DO ensure you donate a portion of proceeds of Pride-themed products or services to LGBTQIA+ charities or organizations.

  3. Be an Ally to Fit In

    DON’T rainbow-wash. This is the equivalent of only caring about the earth on Earth Day. A better analogy would be being Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.

    DO show your support for the community year round — a pride flag isn’t going to do much if you don’t ensure queer persons feel comfortable in your establishment or supporting your business.

June is for the queers, but diversity and inclusion are year-round. Please be mindful of your marketing, profit prioritization and true diversity / inclusion.

Chelsea Hugunin

Chelsea Hugunin (they / them) has a love for words and the way they work together. Graduating from IUPUI in the fall of 2015 with degree in journalism, they've written blogs for organizations, nonprofit and for profit, and freelanced for newspapers, magazines, online projects and more.

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